Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kroger Closing at 38th and Post- My Shopping Trip $221.55 for $43.55

So thanks to Dawn ( a reader) I learned about the Kroger Store that is closing at 38th and post.

Today I went over and did a little shopping. You can see a photo of the things I got for $43.55!

The Grocery, Frozen and Pet items are now 50% off and Candy, Hair and Drug items are 75% off!

The pickings are getting slim but there are still some good deals to be had.

I did receive double coupons (up to .50) today and also some overages! I was told that they would only double 2 coupons and any over that would not be doubled.

Here are a few of my highlights:

Kroger Chocolate chips 24 oz bag 1.74

Kroger Canned tomatoes .35

Shout Gel 1.49 - .55 mc = .94 ea.

Libby Pumpkin - .25/can

Starbucks Chocolate Bars - Money Maker with $1.00 mc = +.25 ea (sorry I got the last 4)

Starbucks Chocolates - .37 ea with 1.00 mc

Ziplock Steam Bags $1.17

Kroger Salad mix .34

Loreal Hair Color - Money Maker of +.93 ea if you have the $3.00 mc (only dark colors left)

Kroger Icecream cones .74

Croutons .92

Turkey Hill Ice cream 1.54 with -1.00 mc

Herbal Essence shampoo, conditioner, gel - Money Maker of .07 ea if you have .50 mc

Sara Lee Pie .82 ea with 1.00 mc

Tylenol Cold .50 with $1.00 mc

Fels Napa Bar .64 ea (I got the last 4)

Celestial Seasonings tea .18 with .45 mc

Blistex .35 - no coupon used

French Onions

Nyquil .35 with $1.00 mc

Energizer AAA $1.00 with 1.00 mc

Formula - Money Maker - 2.71 ea with formula check sent from Enfamil.

Cat Litter 3.58 and 3.95 - no coupons used

The last day for the store is Saturday June 27th. they did not know if anymore markdown would be taken.

When I was there at 1pm today - there was:

plenty of ice cream and frozen veggies, some baking items, pickles, 1/2 pallet of the pumpkin 1-2 aisles of grocery items, pet items, some cleaners and laundry items, hair care, light bulbs and some miscellaneous item. If you live near there it may be worth a trip to check out. There were no diapers or wipes or any fresh food.

If you go let us know if the discounts go higher!

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