I just got this email with a great deal from Dawn - a Frugal Indy reader. Thanks Dawn!
The Meijer on East Washington had about 30+ bags of apples (near the the little room in the back where they check in produce) for $.10/lb. The bags were made up of Gala and Golden Delicious apples (and maybe others), somewhat on the small side. I bought about 15 lbs to make lots of applesauce! I've had one of those fancy apple peeler gizmos for several years ago, but never used it. I think I'll be digging that out of the cabinet.
Also, several months back, you had asked if Meijer marks stuff down in the evenings. My general grocery shopping time is 8-9 p.m.--the deli closes at 9 during the week and they do place several bags of deli meat on the counter for $1.50/lb (including some roast beef that runs $8 something a lb!).
One last Meijer deal is the mark down cooler for refrigerator products (ie. yogurt/cottage cheese). We go through a lot of yogurt in our house, and can usually pick up several days worth at half off (minus whatever coupons I have).
I thought you might enjoy this deal too! If you have a good deal email me and I'll let everyone know!
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