Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy President's Day - a President's Day Song for You.

My son has worked very hard to learn the names of all 44 U.S. Presidents. I promised to put him on mom's web page if he could learn them all. He is 5 and a big ham so that was incentive enough for him to learn this little song.

So I hope you will enjoy this little video and if you would like to learn the names of the Presidents, I've included the words.

The 44 Presidents Song

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison,
Monroe, Adams, Jackson, VanBuren,
William Henry Harrison, Tyler, Polk and Taylor,
Filmore, Pierce, Buchanan.

Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes,
Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison,
Cleveland, McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt,
Taft and Woodrow Wilson.

Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, FDR,
Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, LBJ,
Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan,
Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama.

If you would like some free coloring sheets for President's Day check out my posts here and here.

1 comment:

Raise Them Up said...

That was wonderful! How long did it take him to learn the song? Wow! Great job, Zachary!