Monday, January 25, 2010

The Children's Place Warm Winter Pj's - $3.99

Today I happened to be at the mall running some errands and stopped into The Children's Place. There was a huge sign saying 50% off the lowest marked price on clearance and so I had to check it out.

I found my FAVORITE winter pj's for my daughter for only $3.99 each. The regular retail is $12.50. I also found some of the lighter weight pj's for only $3.47 each!!! I bought the next sizes to put away for next winter and the following Spring. I also got an extra pair for this year as I never seem to be able to quite keep up with the laundry!

She was more than happy to do a little modeling of them tonight before she went to bed.

I checked on their website and they have them there too for the same price and shipping on all orders is only $5.00. You can go here to view the page with the pj's. There was a lot of other nice clothing on sale too for very good prices.

When you are able to buy ahead then YOU are choosing the price you will pay for an item. If you wait until you need an item you will have the price dictated to you by the store. This is one of the basic principles of my money saving philosophy - Choose Your Price. I choose $3.99 now - not $12.50 later.

Yes, I have to store it for a year until next winter - but I have a box in my daughter's closet (and an under the bed box in my son's room) for just this sort of thing, so that is no problem. I am always looking for things I will NEED (not just want) in the future and trying to purchase them at their lowest price ahead of that need. This strategy will save you a lot of money - as long as you stick with buying things you NEED and not buy a lot of stuff just because it is on sale.

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