Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kroger Closing at 38th and Post

From a Reader:

"As you've probably heard on the news, the Kroger at 38th and Post is closing next week. While pickings are slim, there are still some deals to be had. Most groceries are full price, but marked down 25% if that makes any sense. General merchandise is 40% off. You can also use mannies. As of 4 p.m. today, there was quite a lot of organic dairy stuff left. Also, the baby department stuff is all 40% off-some baby food (not much), pull-ups, and some specialty formulas (Neosure for $9 a can) were still available. However, better baby food deals can be found at the neighboring Big Lots ($.25/$.30 a jar). They had a great selection, including several organic products."

Thanks Dawn for letting us know!

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