Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kroger - Sale Ends Today

Kroger is having Turkeys at a great price.  They have Butterball or Honey Suckle frozen turkeys for only .88 cents a lb.  I will be going to pick up a few of these!   (If I have a choice, I'll pick the Honey Suckle, Butterball is not my favorite brand!)

Turkey is a great and one of the most frugal foods I've found.  From a 15-20 lb turkey I can get over 1 week of dinners and quite a few lunches also.  We usually eat hot turkey for a night or two and then I make, turkey pot pie, turkey croquettes, I use the turkey in casseroles instead of chicken and then there is the family favorite, the #1 meal for my crew, the most important reason I buy turkeys and fill up the freezer!!! Turkey Noodle Soup!

We don't necessarily eat the turkey every day for the entire week, I do use my freezer to freeze soup broth and packages of meat for casseroles - so we can spread out the turkey love!  

If you think that turkey is just for the holidays, I would challenge you to stop by Kroger TODAY and pick up a turkey - or 3.  They are easy and yummy.  Use a cooking bag for easy preparation and clean-up.  Plus, I've found that with the cooking bags the broth is incredible, and you don't lose any of it!

What is your favorite use of turkeys?  Let us know!

By-the-way, if you are outside of the Indianapolis area, your Kroger sale will most likely have already ended,  Our Kroger ads run Thursday to Thursday, where most areas run Sunday to Sunday.

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