Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Menu Planning (Monday) Tuesday - A Month of Menus

This is my basic meal plan for the month.  I may not follow this exactly to the date.  If I decide to make a certain meal ahead, I will just cross it off that date as I make it.  I also have several other meals I can make - If my leftovers don't go as far as planned.

Also, I will add in more fruit and vegetables to the meals with fresh ones I can get that week on sale.

Because I am making all these meals from items in my stockpile, I am free to use some of my grocery money to add to the stockpile with items that are on sale.  I will also use some of my grocery money to purchase eggs, fruit, and vegetables.

3/31- 4/4/09 --------------------------------

Tuesday - Tacos with black beans, salad
Wednesday - Turkey, baked potatoes
Thursday - Turkey, Stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn
Friday - Turkey Noodle Soup - Homemade Bread
Saturday - Ham & Cabbage w/ potatoes and carrots

Here is a picture of the planner that I use to plan my month of meals on.

4/5 -11/09 -----------------------------------

Sunday - Turkey Sandwiches (Lunch) Pizza (Evening)
Monday - Spaghetti and Sausage
Tuesday - Leftovers
Wednesday - Beef BBQ Sandwiches (Crock pot), Roasted potatoes
Thursday - Turkey Noodle Soup - Homemade Bread
Friday -  Baked Fish, Twice Baked Potatoes
Saturday - Pizza

4/12 - 18/09---------------------------------

Sunday (Easter) - Baked Ham, Scalloped Potatoes
Monday - Leftovers
Tuesday - Ham and Bean Soup
Wednesday - Leftovers
Thursday - Pizza
Friday - Leftovers

   (Our Family's Favorite Meal - Turkey Noodle Soup)

04/19 - 25/09 ------------------------------

Sunday - Roast and Potatoes
Monday  - Meat pie - from Roast leftovers
Tuesday - Turkey and Rice and broccoli casserole
Wednesday - Baked Fish, Potatoes, veg
Thursday - Beef Stir-fry w/ veggies and Ramen
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Out (date night!)

04/26 - 5/02/09

Sunday - Beef BBQ, Baked Potatoes
Monday - Baked Rigatoni Casserole, bread and veg
Tuesday - Turkey Noodle Soup, bread
Wednesday - Cheesy Enchilada Hamburger Helper and vegs
Thursday - Tuna Casserole, Peas, salad
Friday - Eat out as Family
Saturday - Pizza

For more of my menus go here.

More Menu Planning Monday here.


Sonia said...

I wanted to try and make the Turkey soup, but the link to print just brings me back to the steps?

Sara said...

Great meal plan for the month! I usually plan my meals on a weekly basis. I just might consider planning for an entire month sometime.

Lisa said...

I like the calendar you have on the fridge. I need to invest in something like that so I don't have to keep checking my blog to remember what I need to make!!!

jo@blog-diggidy said...

yum yum yum, that's all i have to say about that!! *forest gump voice* ;)

Michelle said...

nice planner on the fridge! and way to go on the month long plan...I'm 3 weeks out but I never publish on my blog that far because I KNOW I will change my mind LOL :)