Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wal-Mart Deals and Freebies

I don't normally shop often at Wal-Mart. Because they do double coupons, I usually do better at other stores like Meijer and Kroger. But this week, it seems that there are some good deals going on at Wal-Mart.

I need to replenish my bar soap stock, it's starting to get low.

I saw it is a FREE deal on Money Saving Mom.

If you are not currently checking Money Saving Mom's website daily for great deals, I highly recommend that you do! Don't feel that you have to go and get every good deal out there, just watch the deals and wait for the BEST deals, like free or money makers.

Here is another post that Money Saving Mom has with a big list of good Wal-Mart deals and coupon match-ups.

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